
Admission process

by Portal PPG
Published: 26/05/2017 - 09:38
Last modification: 14/03/2022 - 13:20
Target Audience: 
Estudante / Professor / Técnico-Administrativo / Comunidade externa
Documentos / Processos seletivos / Serviços

The selection process for candidates’ admission to the Graduate Program in Applied Immunology and Parasitology is ruled by public notice and other internal legislations of the Federal University of Uberlândia.
The service to interested parties is performed by e-mail 
The complete public notice, containing information and relevant instructions to the selective process will be available at


Available vacancies are intended for students with completed undergraduate degrees linked to biological areas or similar, and the academic disciplines of Immunology and Parasitology must be stated in the applicants’ academic records.  
Applications from students with short-term, sequential, or similar courses will not be accepted, and only associate degree graduates of higher education will be admitted. Graduates from long-term undergraduate courses recognized by the Education Ministry (MEC) may apply.